PSY 452 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Wason Selection Task, Decision-Making, Confirmation Bias

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Decision making study guide: deductive reasoning is logically taking all possibilities and finding the best option starting with a true premise. Decision making is more ambiguous and some information may be missing or contractor: confirmation bias is the tendency to notice events that support your beliefs and ignore those that do not. Wason selection task: trying to affirm the antecedent. Griggs and cox: tested selection tasks about drinking age; abstract vs. primed: people make poor decision because of lack of resources and are affected by other non-rational factors, normative decision theory: some choices are better than others. Getting some money is more important than maximum: a problem frame is the way information is presented. Studies show participants answer questions differently depending on how they are phrased: representativeness heuristic, if the problem is similarity then its representativeness, if the problem is remembering examples, is it the availability. Conjunction fallacy the probability of simultaneous events cannot be greater than each single one.