[BZ 212] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 33 pages long Study Guide!

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Ecdysozoa- cuticle that molts-exoskeleton and lining of gut, ecdysis is process of molting. Phylum nematomorpha a d o p o r h t r a n a. Chiton-protein exoskeleton cuticle must molt, jointed appendages, segmented, tagmosis, striated muscles, gonadal/excretory coelom, jointed appendages, no motile cilia. Nervous: ganglion in each segment/tagmata, three part brain, ventral nerve cord, compound eye. Circulation and gas exchange: open with hemocoel and heart with ostia. Excretion: absent or modified nephridia, malpighian tubules. Reproduction: usually dioecious, sexual dimorphism, specific courtship behaviors. 2 body sections: prosoma(cephalothorax) and opisthosoma(abdomen), only arthropod with no antennae, 1st pr appendages are chelicerae(homologous to antennae), 2nd pr are pedipalps, 4pr. Uniramous walking legs, usually opisthosoma lacks appendages, hypostome (between chelicerae) Class pycnogonida: sea spiders superficially resembles spiders, polyramous species- variable number of walking legs, have ovigers (additional appendages), reduced body, no tagmata, no respiratory/excretory, can have proboscis, ocelli. Subclass arachnida: prosoma covered by carapace, no opisthosomal appendages (except.