PSYCH 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Additive Color, Visual Acuity, Basilar Membrane

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Additive color mixing: put more light in the mixture than exists in any one light by itself. Ex. shine red, green, and blue spotlights on a white surface = additive colors. Afterimage: visual image that persists after a stimulus is removed. Auditory localizaiton: locating source of a sound in space. Binocular depth cues: cues about distance based on differing views of the 2 eyes. Bottom-up processing: progression from individual elements to the whole. Detect specific features of stimuli => combo specific features into more complex forms => recognize stimulus. Color blindness: deficiencies in the ability to distinguish among colors. People w/ color blindness are dichromats: dichromats: have 2 types of color receptors. Comparators: people, objects events and other standards that are used as a baseline for comparision in making judgements. Complementary colors: pairs of colors that produce gray tones when mixed together. Dark adaptation: eyes become more sensitive to light in low illumination.