BIOL-3160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ambulocetus, Hip Bone

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Theodosius dobzhansky - nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of. Is any change in the generation to the next . Cetaceans descended from mammals that lived on land, and their lineage evolved into marine animals through a process he called natural selection. A chain of ancestors and their descendants genetic types to replace other (outcompete others) Mammary glands of whales and land animals are an example of a homology. Characteristics are similar in two or more specific species because they are . Shared similarities with cetaceans and land animals. Whale and fish lineages, evolving independently, converged on body forms that. Ambulocetus is a fossil whale with legs. this animal had traits that were. As further evidence of their evolution from terrestrial mammalian ancestors, whales begin to develop hindlimbs. A membrane and protein shell encasing strands of rna. To replicate, they must invade host cell.