BIOL-2230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Interferon, Antigen, Polysaccharide

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Exam 2 Processes to know
Lymphatic capillaries process
o Fluids outside create pressure that pushes on capillary walls; cells bend in
o Mini-valve system
o If pressure in the capillary is higher than in the interstitial space, the cells are
pushed closed
Lymph node action
o Afferent lymphatic vessels bring lymph to lymph node
o Lymph filters through the sinuses in the lymph node
o Efferent lymphatic vessels carry lymph away
Spleen action
o Blood delivered via splenic artery
o Lymphocytes in white pulp filter the lymph
o Macrophages in red pulp filter lymph
o Clean lymph returns to splenic vein
Thymus action
o Secretes thymosin and thymopoietin
o Stimulates bone marrow to produce new leukocytes
o Causes T cells to become immunocompetent
Tonsil action
o Crypts trap bacteria and particulates
o Bacteria then passes through epithelium into the lymphoid tissue
o Lymphoid tissue destroys the bacteria
o Memory cells are formed
Lymphatic development
o 5th week post-conception, developing veins bud off lymph sacs
First are jugular lymph sacs
Also form vena cava and iliac veins
o These will form a branching system off lymphatic vessels
o Jugular lymph sac and jugular veins connect to become right lymphatic duct and
thoracic duct
o Lymphoid organs develop from mesodermal mesenchyme that becomes
reticular tissue
Except thymus
Phagocytic mechanism
o Phagocyte recognizes pathogen
Carbohydrate surface markers on pathogen
Antibodies also mark pathogen
Process of marking for destruction
o Cytoplasmic extensions of phagocyte grab the molecule
o Pathogen is pulled inside a lysosome
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