AVS-3750 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Slow Cooker, Autocrine Signalling, Cyanocobalamin

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Bacteria and protozoa in rumen and lower intestinal tract of non-ruminants can synthesize amino acids. Microbial production of amino acids can satisfy requirements in ruminants in most cases. Ruminants: non-protein nitrogen (npn) can be used as a source of nitrogen for rumen bacteria. Non-ruminants: cannot use non-protein nitrogen as a source of nitrogen. Ruminants can exist with limited dietary protein sources due to microbial protein synthesis. Essential amino acids synthesized: microbial protein is not sufficient during: Creates difference between protein quality in feed and protein actually absorbed by host. Microbes re-synthesize amino acids; including all the essential amino acids from. No absorption of protein or amino acids from rumen (or from cecum or large intestine: protein in the ruminant diet. Dietary protein contains amino acids: rumen degradable protein (rdp) available for use by rumen microbes, rumen undegradable protein (rup) escapes rumen fermentation; enters small intestine unaltered; varies with diet and feed processing.