[NFSC 303] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 16 pages long Study Guide!

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Several leading causes of death in the us is associated with dietary intake and activity patterns. Evaluate your diet to see if you need/want a change. I hear about the different diets all the time. The study of the nutrients in foods and in the body. The study of the health effects of the foods we consume. The 2 leading causes of death in the u. s. #1 heart disease, #2 cancer, #3 chronic lower respiratory diseases, In uenza and pneumonia, #9 kidney disease, #10 suicide. Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle polls the trigger. Zones where a disproportionate amount of people live for an extended amount of time. What are the keys to longevity: eat a plant based diet, 2. Any condition cause by exercise or de cient food energy or nutrient intake; or by an imbalance of nutrients. A meal contains 20g cho, 33g protein and 19g fat. 80 + 132 + 171 = 383 calories.