PSY 334 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: American Psychological Association, Naomi Weisstein, Seneca Falls Convention

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29 May 2020

Document Summary

Second wave activism impacted psychology: students of psychology formed the association for women (awp) in psychology in 1969, psychologists lobbied the american psychological association (apa) to form a division on the. Approved in 1973: with more attention to women and gender, women established a professional presence & pioneered research focused upon women. Third wave women"s movement: beginning 1990-present: reaction to lack of activity on the part of young women since second wave, young, powerful, vocal, prominent issues of focus: equality; women"s sexuality, sexual violence against women, taking back derogatory terms. Reappropriation of derogatory terms: protesters taking back the term slut and standing up to say that if expressing sexuality or liking sex means they are a slut, being a slut should not invite judgment or violence. Third-wave feminism is inclusive, challenging the second wave"s over-emphasis on the experiences of upper middle class white women.