[PSC 100] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 43 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Lecture notes: introduction to political science: introduction to political science. Political socialization: political and voting behaviors. Consequence of interest group: political party. Stages of scientific methods: international relations. To get handle on the complex arrays of political phenomenon, we have the following tools: vsis. The second is nation-state level of analysis in which each nation-state (or government or country) is the primary actor of interactions. 2 third is international system level of analysis. Only formal requirements are that you must be 18 years or older and you must satisfied residency requirements of the state that you reside. Turnout in the us has been declining steadily since the 1960"s through the 2000"s from 63% to 49% to 57%. There seems to be a direct relationship between voter participation and political efficacy, the degree of expectation that voters will make a difference in political processes and obviously a high expectation means a high turnout.