HDF 303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Long-Term Memory, Whole Language, Learned Helplessness

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In order to prepare for the upcoming test, please read your class notes and the textbook. There will be multiple-choice questions and short answer questions, about the concepts, theories, and facts discussed in class and/or explained in the textbook. It is possible to have some questions that are not specifically pointed out in this study guide. I strongly suggest that you review all the reading material and your notes when preparing for this exam: selman"s stages of perspective taking. Level 0: undifferentiated: recognize that self and others have different thoughts and feelings but they will often confuse the two. Level 1: social-informational: children understand that different perspectives may be because different people have access to different information. Level 2: self-reflective: children can step into someone else"s shoes and view their thoughts. Level 3 third-party: children can step outside two-person situation and imagine how the self and others are viewed from the point of view of a third impartial party.