ASL 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chronic Kidney Disease, Glomerulonephritis, Red Blood Cell

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6 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Please answer each question below and click submit when you have completed the quiz. A 42-year-old female is diagnosed with chronic renal failure, and the nurse is discussing dietary treatment. A nurse is reviewing urinalysis results and notices glucose is present in the urine. A nurse realizes glucose will be excreted in the urine when: The carrier molecules have reached their maximum: question 4. A nurse is preparing to teach about the loop of henle. The descending segment of the loop of henle primarily allows for: Tests reveal that he has a lower urinary tract obstruction. Gross hematuria, flank pain, and hypertension: question 9. When the nurse discusses the glomerulus and bowman capsule together, it is referred to as the renal: A 6-year-old male is experiencing urine reflux from the urinary bladder into a grossly dilated ureter and calyces. When a child is admitted with acute renal failure, a clinician realizes the most common cause of acute renal failure is: