[SOC 35] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 20 pages long Study Guide!

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2: ways of studying and explaining marriages and families. Comprehensive sex education programs that teach both abstinence and birth control do not increase adolescent sexual activity. Relate ideas + observations to each other as well as help explain them. Contain certain assumptions about the world + nature of society + human behavior. Important sources of ideas for researchers to test. Scientific research: provides us with empirical evidence as a basis for knowledge or theories. Empirical evidence: data or evidence that can be confirmed by the use of one or more of the human sense. Allows to test hypotheses: statements of relationships between two or more variables --- factors that can have two or more values --- to determine what is, as opposed to what we think should be. Scientific method: a set of procedures intended to ensure accuracy and honesty throughout the research process. Making systematic + objective observations (collecting information) Methodological techniques in the study of marriages and families.