POLS 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Enumerated Powers, Tenth Amendment To The United States Constitution, Electoral College

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Pols module (cid:1005)(cid:1004) the federal government and other states. California is the most populous state and great economy. The basis for the relationship between california (and the 49 other states) and the federal government is governed by the us constitution. 10th amendment (states right) the powers not delegated to the us by the. Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the the people ---- founding fathers were distrustful of a strong, central government. Enumerated powers: the constitution specifically lists certain powers that belong the federal government alone. Ex: power to coin money, raise an army, and establish post offices. Reserved powers: in contrast to the enumerated powers of the federal government, states like california automatically retain all other powers that are not specifically listed as belonging to the national government. Ex: the ability to establish and run schools, establish local governments, and pass statewide laws.