POLS 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Misdemeanor, California Fair Political Practices Commission, Toyota Electronic Modulated Suspension

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Do you lose your california voting rights if you are convicted of a misdemeanor? no. After finishing prison/jail time you can vote again. For graphs: in the early part of the period under consideration, the two major parties shared political power, with the republicans having a small overall advantage. However, by the later part of this period, the democrats had a clear and decisive advantage in nearly every elected office. 2008 general election had the highest percentage turnout of registered and eligible voters ppl most likely to vote: college educated, homeowners, white, 35 and older. Blacks are more likely to attend a local meeting than whites. Prop 140 of 1990 imposed term limits on elected officials. Let someone serve 3 terms in state assembly. 2 terms in any one statewide elected office (like governor) But jerry brown (gov) was able to serve 4 terms bc first elected before 1990 limits.