JOUR 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vimeo, Shield Laws In The United States, Gag Order

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26 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Privilege meaning an exemption from having to testify about confidential matters. Rooted in constitutional law, common law and judicial rules. Place additional limitations on subpoenas to journalists. Journalists are not legally entitled to protect source. 49 states have some type of reporter"s privilege that applies to actions state and local officials and state courts. Many are based in statutory/shield laws: laws that sometimes excuse journalists from disclosing confidential information. Justice stewart: requiring a journalist to reveal sources government should have to show: That there is probable cause to believe the journalist has clearly relevant information regarding a specific probable violation of law. That the information cannot be obtained in some other way that doesn"t so heavily infringe on the first amendment. That there is compelling and overriding interest in the information. Federal courts more likely to recognize privilege for journalists in the.