COMS 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Formal Language, Stage Fright, Microsoft Powerpoint

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Interpersonal: two people (can happen verbally or nonverbally) Public communication: one person to an audience. Patchwork: taking different parts and putting them together. Incremental: failure to cite; usually accidental (cid:803) when in doubt: cite. Things to verbally indicate in your speech: Organization (cid:803) say citation before information is presented. Listen + do not provide feedback; emotional support for the speaker. General purpose: to introduce a featured speaker to audience. Establish a welcoming climate to boost speaker"s credibility. General purpose: to present an award or recognition. General purpose: to accept an award or special recognition. Thank the people giving you the award. Thank the people who helped you get there. General purpose: to praise and congratulate a graduating class. Acknowledge what graduates did to get there. Acknowledge what members of the audience did to help. General purpose: to motivate and inspire an audience at a meeting or special event. General purpose: to honor or praise a person or event.