HIST101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Due Process, Stamp Duty, Sales Tax

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31 Aug 2016

Document Summary

British legacy, limited government (1215) magna carta, common law: due process; right to a trial by jury, principles of liberty, locke, hume, hobbes, glorious revolution (1688) not interested in magna carta parliament has no ultimate power. He agreed to come to england and follow the magna carta. He would not tax without representation: american legacies, distance from england or english government, land ownership (us giving land out for free so people could vote)-no class system; middle class. Highly protected because of landownership they were highly protective of private property: pluralism: many religions (we allowed any religion to be part of) Many ethnicities: great awakening: it happened in the 18th century. When the first pilgrims came over in the 1600s they were very religious. They came here to the colonies and set up a city on the hill, didn"t take long before they fell. Go away from their religious background due to time.