NEJS 195A- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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Muhammad in western texts: 632-661: 4 caliphs, 661-750: umayyads, 750-1258: abbasids (mongol invasion in 1258, earliest reference to muhammad in a non-muslim source: 634, jacob, jewish convert to christianity, slightly referenced a new, false prophet in. Islam/muhammad: could go back to forms of literature that was already known in order to eulogize. Muhammad: they <3 poetry, but muhammad was not a fan. All poets go to hell and at the head of them is (most famous poet at time) -muhammad: banat suad, first poem written about muhammad, set the standard for talking about. Intercession - advocating for the people with god, assuring salvation. Interest piqued with this one journey: obscure reference to quran and repeated in this poem, given precedence by all other prophets, details from muhammad"s life (the fun things) put into a poem. Muhammad, automatically coming with (like a plus one, but plus ten: 4 caliphs included, period began where there was speculation about better muslims, ahl al-bayt.