ANTH 1A- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 21 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Women"s world (mostly) and men - entirely man"s world. Vision of social relations - vision of political life. Bedouin women concerned with strictly political despite not being as present in public sphere. Bedouin men are more than merely political. Have families, desires, and feel love and friendship. Not simply receptacle of cultural wisdom nor experience of individual genius. System of meaning people create to determine who is related to whom. Patrilineal parallel cousin marriages encourages by bedouins. Ideas of family and relatedness = shapes norms and things like who you live with . Agnate: someone related through the male line. Often downplayed more in us than bedouin society. One"s worth is related to honor of the bloodline. Honor (moral qualities): relations between the sexes -> modesty. Kinship relationships established through marriage and not through descent. Creates relationships between spouses" kinship groups (in-laws) Arranged marriages: focused on continuation of the kinship group.