CGS SS 202 Midterm: SS 202 notes

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7 background of cold war: ww2 and fdr: allies vs axis power, hitler"s reunification of ____________, europe"s background, british + french german trying to deal with german power. Appeasement: to give in the demands of germany: british was eventually blamed about this, germany promised that they would not aggravate any more. Germans promised to make one front war: stalin liked it, gave soviet poland and time to rearrange their mess, but after weakening great britain, hitler invaded soviet. >>>> russia became the allies: us" lend lease aid: congress leased ammunition to allies to protect countries against blizzards against germany and italy without any payment, as japan bombed pearl harbor us became allies too in, eventual teams. Allies (big 5): g. b, france, ussr, us, china. Axis: german, italy, japan: allies cooperation, trying to make two front war for germany. B+a: sledgehammer: ussr: torch: invasion of north africa, stalin thought british and french purposely chose this to weaken.