CGS SS 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cuban Missile Crisis, Fidel Castro, Island Country

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History with US relations:
US relations with Cuba date back to the rise of Fidel Castro. Ever since Fidel Castro overthrew
a US-backed regime in Cuba and engaged in trade with the Soviet Union it led to distrust and ill-
relations between the two. Furthermore as tensions remained between the two countries, the
Cuban missile crisis damaged relations as well. During the half century that followed,
successive U.S. administrations pursued policies intended to isolate the island country
economically and diplomatically. The United States has sanctioned Cuba longer than any other
US had close ties before WWII with Cuba. they had been an ally during the 1920s; however, it
was the presence of a socialist and communist leader that posed a problem for the relationship.
More problems now that weren't there with Obama
o Benefits of Cuba: proximity, trade,
o Closed down embassy, should we reopen it? Invade? Pressure economically?
Do we want russia or china involved in cuba?
Prior to WWII, US had close ties. They had been an allies during the 1920s; however, it
was the presence of a socialist and communist leader that posed a problem for the relationship.
During the Cold War, Cuba and the United States had a very climactic relationship which
involved extremely delicate negotiations leading to many nuclear threats. It all started when
Fidel Castro overthrew the US backed government leader Batista in 1959 and established a
communist regime while strengthening relations with the Soviet Union. This led to an economic
war between the United States and Cuba. Kennedy started slashing Cuba with phat taxes and
limited US exports to Cuba. This eventually led to a full embargo. Relations have already been
shriveled since the embargo, especially since Cuba began trade with Soviet Union. US was
afraid of Cuba because they were becoming closer allies with SU; US thought Cuba could be
used as a means for Soviet Union to attack US. Kennedy issued the embargo because they
saw Cuba as a threat via SU.
Kennedy was secretly attempting to overthrow Castro with covert operations which
would lead to the Bay of Pigs incident via operation mongoose. Started under Eisenhower, but
executed by Kennedy, the Bay of Pigs was an attempt to overthrow Castro by training Cuban
exiles to go in under cover. It failed miserably as Castro's forces quickly overpowered the
invaders. This showed the incompetence and inexperience of Kennedy’s administration in
relation to Eisenhower. The botched attempt to topple Castro’s regime fueled Cuban mistrust
and nationalism and encouraged Cuba to allow the Soviet Union to install offensive missiles
within their land→ began the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Cuban Missile Crisis began when American spy planes found Soviet missiles located in
Cuba. This incident was on the verge of a first ever nuclear war between America and the
USSR. In a document where Kennedy makes a statement to the American citizens, Kennedy
calls out Khrushchev to halt and eliminate the missiles from Cuba and stop from threatening
world peace. He asks him to abandon their arms race and world domination. After this, America
agreed to secretly withdraw its missiles from Turkey if Soviet Union would disbandon their
missiles from Cuba.
Current relations with Cuba have progressed throughout the years until recently.
Relations with Cuba have been at an all time high during Castro’s takeover throughout the BOP
and Cuban Missile Crisis. Overtime, starting with Carter’s administration the US made progress
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Document Summary

Us relations with cuba date back to the rise of fidel castro. Ever since fidel castro overthrew a us-backed regime in cuba and engaged in trade with the soviet union it led to distrust and ill- relations between the two. Furthermore as tensions remained between the two countries, the. During the half century that followed, successive u. s. administrations pursued policies intended to isolate the island country economically and diplomatically. The united states has sanctioned cuba longer than any other country. Us had close ties before wwii with cuba. they had been an ally during the 1920s; however, it was the presence of a socialist and communist leader that posed a problem for the relationship. They had been an allies during the 1920s; however, it was the presence of a socialist and communist leader that posed a problem for the relationship.