CGS SS 202- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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Intro: francis fukuyama"s two directions for american foreign policy: realism v. Idealism: national security, realist: defined as having to do with those issues that impact the us directly and have to be dealt in that way. Make the world safe for democracy : join wwi (1917, 14 points, league of nations, unpopular foreign policy, retreat to isolationism (1920s-1930s, appeasement and the united states, neutrality acts (1935-1937) Atlantic charter : pearl harbor (december 7 1941, grand alliance and its significance -- new role for us foreign policy, nolan situational ethics , fdr- hitler"s threat. Gb: poland, lubin poles: ussr, us, london poles: gb, japan, stalin needs 3 months, potsdam conference (7/45, spheres of influence agree (10/44) Island hopping campaign: secure islands closer to the pacific: success in 1943, victory in europe day, truman comes to power. In july, the first atomic bomb was tested. Communist party is going to upsurge in the economy.