CGS SS 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chrystia Freeland, Whitey Bulger, The Sociological Imagination

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Id section (50 points) on the midterm ten terms from the following list will appear. You will be required to idenify five of them. Each id answer should be one paragraph, composed of complete sentences (no bullet points), that explains the signiicance of the name or term and relates it to the relevant reading from ss101. This is the process by which humans are taught by others and by society how to act and what one"s place is. Condiioning is not the same as socializaion: bf skinner. Silent code: you don"t rat anyone out to the police, and you don"t go to the police for help. The south code ulimately led to the rise of whitey bulger as a powerful igure because everyone went to him when they needed help and nobody said anything about whitey"s crimes to the police. Posiive outlook: thought social science was reliable and would yield reliable results, security of knowledge.