[SMG MK 323] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (20 pages long!)

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Segment by: (set shoe industry such as nike as an example) Behavioral: shoes for playing basketball vs. shoes for running. Geographic: shoes for people live on mountains vs. for people live in plain. Benefit: shoes are very comfortable and can give you fast running. Psychographic: (value, belief, lifestyle) sports shoes represents upper class free lifestyle, diamonds represent love. Demographic: (gender, age, income ) 3d printing nike shoes targeted female aged 20- 30 with income of . (one segment may have similar variable but it still has different variable anyway. For example, colorful shoes may target female, but with different designs, these shoes can separately target people who running or target people who love yoga. ) Gap need its own space to put the inventory. ) Reachable: usually geographical reachable. (eg: you are the supplier and you need to ship your product to retailers.