[COM CM 380] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (37 pages long)

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*crucial to understand the difference between objective and interpretive approaches to communication* Example given of superbowl commercial with draft horse for. Glenn: an objective approach: the assumption that truth is singular and is accessible through unbiased sensory observation; committed to uncovering cause-and-effect relationships , tony schwartz resonance principle of communication. Succesfful persuasive messsgaes evoke past experiences that create resonance between the message content and a person"s thoughts or feelings. Arguments do not persuade people memories do: theory might seem plausible but not sure if its valid until it has been tested. Objective or interpretive worldviews: sorting out the labels. Glenn = social scientist looking for objective. Epistemology the study of the origin, nature, method, and limits of knowledge (branch of philosophy) Once a principle is discovered and validated, it will continue to hold true as long as conditions remain relatively the same. Determinism the assumption that behavior is caused by heredity and environment.