COM JO 357 Quiz: JO 357 Study Guide, Terms

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"mass communication" refers to a univocal and hierarchical medium of communication, in which the message is broadcasted from one point to a multitude of receptors that are not at the same level of the transmitter in the communication system. In this case reversing the transmitter-receivers positions is not possible. Early days: early applications of the technology were in the military and shipping business, 1901: marconi sends wireless signal across atlantic ocean, the term radio is coined by the us navy. In 1912, the first real test for the radio as titanic sinks and radio is used to signal for help: nearby ship california did not respond because its transponder was off. Carpathia which was farther away comes to aid in rescue. In the aftermath, the us congress quickly adopted legislation requiring that all. Issue over whether congress had any business regulating the press in the first place: whether regulation would violate the free speech protections guaranteed by the first.