CAS LI 112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Infinitive, Preposition And Postposition

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Il passato prossimo con avere: expresses an action completed in the past, are = -ato, ere = -uto, ire = -ito, use the past form of avere + the past participle, negative form = non + passato prossimo. Il passato prossimo con essere: ex: non ha finite =he did not finish. = at what time: expressions for time of day (morning, afternoon, etc. ) pg. Usi di a, in, da and per: a, in and da used to indicate location or means of transportation, per + infinitive to indicate purpose, ex: studio per imparare = i study to learn. 205 for full list of reflexive verbs and definitions. Il passato prossimo con i verbi riflessivi e reciproci: conjugated with the auxiliary essere in the passato prossimo, past participle must agree with the subject in gender and number, ex: mi sono lavato(a) i washed myself. O. pronouns = mi, ti, gli / le / le, ci, vi, gli, loro.