COM CO 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Elizabeth Timothy, Impious, Manuscript Culture

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Document Summary

Communication: process of generating messages through channels to reach others. The result of this is the interaction. Communication helps you meet three types of goals. Linear: flows in one direction; sender to receiver sometimes the message is changed by going through noise. Interactive: sender sends message to receiver who gives feedback to sender. Transactional communication model: participants mutually influence each other"s communication behavior. Rhetoric: theory and practice of persuading others through speech. By ww2 dozens of scholars communication and related topics. Mediated communication: separated by some type of technological device. Interpersonal communication: communication between two people in which the messages have a significant impact on the participants thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships. Small group communication: involves three or more people who share a common identity and communicate to achieve goals or purposes. Public communication: preparing and delivering a message to an audience to achieve a specific purpose. Consistently communicating with others in an appropriate, effective, and ethical manner.