CAS WR 150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Romantic Ballet, Cubism, Jarilo

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The chaos at the premiere of the ballet could be because of the initial shock, and also the choreography (which changed later) The first transformation of the romanticism to modernism was when the choreography changed from basic ballet movements, to trying to match up to the plot. In the rite of spring, the choreography follows this new modernist idea and correlates the dance and costume to the plot and the message trying to get across. Fokine wanted the dances, costumes and gestures to closely correspond to the plot, which meant not including stock dances, classical positions and virtuosic expressions that were such key features of ballet at this time. atkinson. An aspect involved in the new modernist dance was animalism. It describes a type of expressionin which the body and the mind cannot be easily separated (atikson). This is because the only understandable aspect of animals is their behavior, or dance, and not their thoughts.