CAS SO 207 Study Guide - Acculturation, Nazi Concentration Camps, Southern Belle

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Pages 104-112: the creation of slavery in the united states, noel hypothesis for why black africans were enslaved instead of white indentured servants or a. i. colonial group: All three were objects of ethnocentric feelings on part of dominant. Competition existed: black africans and a. i. had different religious and racial grounds and indentured servants were usually catholics (not protestant) or criminals, a. i. vs. colonial: land (direct competition) Indentured servants (white and black) vs. colonial: labor force for landowners (indirect competition) In these laws, slaves were defined as chattel, or personal property. Thus slaves had no rights (could only testify in court against another slave but that is it) masters had legal authority over everything. Slaves forbidden by law to read or write and marriages were not legally recognized: slavery was a caste system (a closed stratification system ascribed social status) Others were successful, runaway slaves, some received help from.