CAS SO 203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Verstehen, Proletariat, Bourgeoisie

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Social change does not occur gradually there is a buildup of tension and class conflict and then it explodes a revolution, which replaces the dominant class with the oppressed class. Marx: people are fundamentally oriented towards material interests greed, acquisition of wealth, economic interests. Wants bureaucracies because they help organize but it creates mechanized robots out of people. We have people performing work in a dull but stable way that limits creativity and is monotonous. Therefore, we must continue to cultivate solidarity (integration of individuals into groups) because groups give us guidance, norms and values. We create a social science by discovering society"s laws; through strict research procedure. Praised the competitive market, which he saw as leading to the wealth of all (commonwealth) Under capitalism, we are alienated in the workplace alienated from the product. Ideas do not move history, but material conditions do economic forces, human labor, production of goods, daily work in the workplace.