CAS SO 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Total Institution, Asperger Syndrome, Philip Zimbardo

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We develop our identity, partially, via the following processes of interaction: Concept 2: looking glass self- process; sense of who you are emerges by imagining how others see you. By pleasing others, we develop well-being. consideration of other people; internalized sense of total expectations in a variety of settings. Pathology example: aspergers is characterized by not completing this developmental step. Theories of the social construction of deviance (the violation of social norms): Labeling theory: from symbolic interactionism; people notice how others label and see them. Those perceptions form the basis of self- identity. Primary deviance=label, secondary deviance, stigma (extreme social disapproval). On being sane in insane places. science. The label insanity led staff to misinterpret the pseudopatients" otherwise normal behaviors. Hence, the sanity of pseudopatients went undetected because psychiatrists and staff could not see past the label. Application 2: quiet rage by philip zimbardo (1991): stanford prison experiment. Example: nuns encouraging each other in convents to perform kind acts.