CAS SO 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Harold Garfinkel, Ethnomethodology, Mesa

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Concerned with the nature of knowledge, the nature of how we acquire. Inductive: you want to get in to the minds of individuals. All science has a deductive conclusion, meaning a logically established conclusion that is refutable. Deductive comes from the word to deduce: arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by interpretations and adjust behavior) are three. Methodology (study methods, steps to acquire knowledge): reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion. Ethnography (small qualitative study, generally of a small sample of people): You wonder about the experience of maidan activists, so you fly to kiev and join the movement, interview several participants, and record your general observations/interpretations. You find that many participants share a general anti government corruption orientation. Two participants disclose that the movement has proven not only exhilarating and meaningful, but since they have joined the movement- they have stopped taking their diabetes medication- with improved health.