CAS RN 106 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ravana, Vedas, Refuge (Buddhism)

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This term is used in hinduism in general, but specifically in vedic hinduism. Agni speeds the dead through cremation to the underworld. Agnosticism is the belief that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god or of anything beyond material phenomena. It it a term used to describe people with no religion, specifically atheists. An agnostic person claims neither faith nor disbelief in god. Amitabha is the buddha of infinite light and created out of his immeasurable storehouse of good karma the pure land. This is a term used in pure land (jodo shu) buddhism. Amiabha buddha was popularized in japan by honen who promised that, if you chant the name of the amida buddha, he would accept you into the pure land where nirvana is ensured. Hindus locates the essence of the human person in the atman, and, in contrast, buddhists believe in anatman.