CAS PS 371 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: System On A Chip, Anhedonia, Cataonia

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Bleuler"s definition of schizophrenia: break from reality he created the term schizophrenia. Kraepelin & dementia praecox - was the name that kraeplin refers to as schizophrenia (was this at that time) Develops earlier in life and in adol or adulthood. Lesion theory: brain structure (frontal lobe develops by then) Delusions: fixed beliefs that are not amenable when faced with contradictory info. Disorganized thinking: thinking is shown through disorganized speech. Example of the guy who kept talking about nothing. Prodromal: before the active phase (atleast 6 months apart) Residual: after active, the neg symptoms (magical thinking but not the del and hall) Active- the psychotic break (the active symp -3 top ones)- pos symptoms only during. This one has to be atleast one month. All in combination have to be there for atleast 6 months. Grossly disorganized/abnormal behavior: abnormal motor beh, child like, and are not goal directed. Catatonic: dec in reactivity to the environment negativism, stupor, catatonic excitements.