CAS PS 251 Midterm: Exam 2 Study Guide

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): freud believed the ego steals energy (libido) from the id so it can function. Hartmann argued that the ego must have its own source of energy for there to be a true theory of conflict. Has two components: 1. primary apparatus (phylogenetic: things in the brain we are born with) e. g. needs, perceptions, etc. 2. secondary apparatus (rationalizer; adaptation to the environment and coping with demands from our surroundings). Id/ego matrix: because the id follows the pleasure principle, we see it emerge at birth. The ego takes about 6 months to develop (it must develop an understanding of reality in order to deal with reality). Hartmann argues that the id and ego develop with unique, separate pathways; there can be conflict-free functioning. Ego apparatus (primary): ego apparatuses of primary autonomy (or primary happiness); a child must be happy at home (fed both physically and psychologically), and then they will seek secondary happiness.