CAS PS 251 Final: Exam 4 Study Guide

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Move toward the world/people to gain approval and make others happy (passive people) Real self (innate): we are all born with a real self, and this real self is born into a culture. Must be born into an environment with favorable conditions in order to grow and deal with problems. Favorable conditions for growth: security, warmth, inner freedom to have your own thoughts and feelings, expression of thoughts and feelings, needing others for guidance and limits. If a person is born into this kind of environment, the real self will grow. Basic anxiety: if a child is born into a poor culture (bad fit), then the child develops a need for security, resulting in basic anxiety. Basic anxiety is a child"s fear of being alone, helpless, and insecure. It arises from problems in the child"s relations with his or her parents, such as lack of warmth, stability, respect, or involvement.