CAS PS 241 Study Guide - Final Guide: Parenting, Learned Helplessness, Parenting Styles

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Kids will be kids, they"ll figure it out . Authoritarian my parents: helicopter parenting, pays too close attention to child"s experience and problems. Overinvolved: kids less satisfied, more anxious and narcissistic, lack coping skills, temperament is a moderator between corporal punishment and behavior score. If you"re high in authoritative parenting, cp does not affect conduct problems. If you"re low in authoritative parenting, higher cp will lead to higher conduct problems: for thailand, it"s a lot worse for parents to use cp because it"s not in the norm. Parenting: mixed, changes (siblings, developmental age, uninvolved is not necessarily neglectful, best/worst parenting styles, best is authoritative, sometimes differs among cultures, externalizing (acting out) behavior problems, conduct problems. Hpa axis: in humans, touch reduces infant"s physiological reactivity to stress. Mean age of 2: maternal psychological control was measured using subscales of love withdrawal, guilt induction, chinese children have higher levels of cortisol, and have higher levels of psychological control, culture predicts stress response.