CAS PS 241 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ambivalence, Fundamental Attribution Error, 18 Months

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Built in signals, bring babies into close contact: attachment-in-the-making 6-8 weeks. Respond differently to a different caregiver: clear-cut attachment separation anxiety. If you are attached to one person it will be distressing to leave that person: formation of a reciprocal relationship, types of security of attachment, secure attachment 60% Use the parents as a secure base. Actively seek contact with the parent when he or she returns: avoidant attachment 15% Slow to greet the parent upon reunion: resistant attachment 10% Distressed and angry when the parent returns: disorganized/disoriented attachment 15% At reunion, often show confused, contradictory behaviors. Really mixed feelings about their parents: mary ainsworth strange situation, mom plays with child and then leaves the room. A stranger comes in and see how child responds: so like at age 4, children will go with random people and be really open. But this is kind of maladaptive and dangerous.