[CAS PS 241] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (53 pages long)

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Ps241- lecture 1- intro to development and theories. Child development: the scientific study of change and stability in the child"s biological, cognitive, social, and emotional functioning across the span of childhood. What changes across the age span and what doesn"t. Child developmental starts at conception and goes to adolescence (there is some development after this but it is not as drastic) Observes how children change over the age span. Ex: motor development can be described in great detail. Ex: gesell cataloged descriptions of what children can do across ages. This established norms for development, which are important for gaging where a child is at compared to his peers. What are the determinants (causes) of these changes? (why?) Ex: a five year old cannot remember as many words from a list as a ten year old because ten year olds rehearse and use strategy. Nature: your biology is your destiny, development is just maturation.