[CAS PS 231] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (121 pages long!)

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Self report data may not be accurate too much emphasis on sexual underpinnings. Unconscious may be given too much credit. Wednesday psychological psychology discussions lead to outbreak of neo-freudianism. Neo-freudians didn"t reject freud"s view but rather building/ modifying. Theory of libido (psychic energy not sexual) v. theory of unconscious. Archetypes and symbol theory: persona (mask, anima/ animus, shadow, self. Freud invite psychologist jung and alder to discuss, disagreements in these. Complexes emotions and thoughts associated with a certain theme. Adler was a middle child so particularly interested in this. 1st born- pseudo-parent, 2nd born issues, born into rivalry, last born, most pampered feel. Choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, gemeinshaftsgefuhl (community feeling) Occupational tasks, socials tasks and love tasks. Role of birth order as though they have to be competent as live up to the achievements of their siblings. Rejected that nature of women make them inferior and weak. Healthy individual would use all three, unhealthy would gravitate towards one.