[CAS PS 211] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 165 pages long Study Guide!

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Orpheus, son of one of the muses and is the greatest mortal musician. His music moves any god, human, animal and even object. He even went on the adventure with jason on the argos and helped them from the sirens, his beautiful music beat those of the sirens, preventing their death. His wife eurydice is killed by a venomous snake and so he goes into the underworld to get her back. His music brings pluto to tears and so he is told to not look back at his wife otherwise, she has to return to hades forever. He looks back and having lost eurydice, he wanders aimlessly and gets ripped to shreds by. Definitions and lessons of love: caring after death, love is personal, sacrifice, the lost of loved ones, patience, irrational. Ceyx is a king of thessaly and alcyone is his loving wife.