CAS PS 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Factor Analysis, Funeral Director, Rote Learning

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CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
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Psychological testing: norm-referenced measurement, de nition - in norm-referenced testing an examinee"s performance is compared with the performance of a speci c group. What does saying someone got 17 out of 20 right mean. This allows us to compare a person"s score with the typical performance of a group, usually one representative of the population of the country. Then we know how someone is performing compared to other kids their age: representativeness - this is extent norm group is characteristic of the population. Should match as closely as possible demographics of population. Usually use age, grade level, gender, geographic region, ethnicity, race, and ses: size - should be large enough to insure stability of test scores and inclusion of all groups that are represented in population. National norms are usually used in iq tests. For educational achievement, local norms may be more appropriate. May want to compare only against their race or ethnic background.