CAS PS 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scientific Method, Empiricism, Behaviorism

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CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

A set of questions about mental functioning trace back to philosophy. A set of theories and procedures for asking and answering questions the scientific method evolved over centuries, first in physics. A product of history philosophy asked many of the basic questions physiology used similar methods. Theory of natural selection (1859) physical characteristics evolve through natural selection behavioral patterns also influence selection inborn knowledge and behavioral tendencies with survival value are passed on. Human beings are part of nature and can be understood through the methods of science. Separated from philosophy in 19th century influences from physiology remain. Leipzig, germany wrote the first psychology textbook applied laboratory techniques to study of the mind structuralism - identify atoms" of the mind focused on basic sensory and perceptual processes measured reaction times. William james (1842-1910) started psychology at harvard in 1870s opposed wundt and titchener"s approach functionalism - influenced by darwin to focus on how behaviors help us adapt to the environment.