CAS PO 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Due Process Clause, Civil Liberties, Fourteenth Amendment To The United States Constitution

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Roots of civil liberties: the bill of rights: anti-federalists stressed the necessity for a bill of rights (idea was unpopular at constitutional. Actual malice must be proved to support a finding of libel against a public figure: fighting words a) Imposed taxes on automatic weapons and sawed-off shotguns. It used to be common for cops to beat defendants to obtain confessions. Rights: regional differences in imposition of death penalty (south has the most executions, pre-1960s: little judicial attention brought to the amendment and death penalty, 1960s: naacp legal defense fund (ldf) believed death penalty was used against. African americans more: furman v. georgia (1972) scotus put an end to capital punishment (short term) Toward reform: civil liberties and combating terrorism similar law: patriot act, military commissions act, and secret doj memos altered state of civil liberties in. Us: the first amendment, patriot act and military commissions act have interferences with civil liberties that.