CGS NS 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Complex Network, Leachate, Cell Growth

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Environmental ethics - new sub-discipline of philosophy that deals with the ethical problems surrounding environmental protection. Evolved after an ecological crisis brought by the industrial civilization (ex. pollution, resource shortage) Ecology becoming worse and almost threatening human race and animals. Humans have a moral duty only towards one another. Any duties towards other species, entities is really only an indirect duty towards other people. Any ethical theory that does not consider any constraint is needed on felt preference is flawed. Expands the object of duty to all animals. All people agree that cruelty to animal is immoral (can also suffer like humans) Contend that pleasure and pain that animals experience are morally relevant. Sentience is the necessary and sufficient condition for a creature to receive moral consideration. Treat animals like how we would treat to humans. Maintains that all life forms are moral patients, entities to which we should accord moral consideration.