CAS MA 113 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Confounding, Interquartile Range, Quartile

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D: organizing /summarizing data using summaries (sd, iqr, mean) and tables/graphs. I: drawing inferences about a population through samples. D: whole number (ex: number of people) C: infinite number (ex: time in milliseconds) O: researchers observe and question participants (only association, no causation) D: researches set up an experiment and manipulate a variable. C: when the effect of two or more explanatory variable are not separated. L: a variable that was not explained explicitly but affects the response variable. Selection bias: if the method of selecting the participants produces. Non-response bias: a representative sample is chosen for a survey but a subset cannot be contacted or does not respond. Response bias: participants respond differently from how they truly feel. Types of graphs: (horizontal) bar graphs (vertical) column graphs. The number of times a variable element is observed. A variables frequency in relation to the rest of the variables = f/n.