CAS IR 271 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sub-Saharan Africa, World Trade Organization

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Above and below state level- redistribution (decentralization) of power. Uneven and unfair- the state, tradition, closed economies, and democratic processes all suffer. Realism: the oldest system with the most pedigree. Morgenthau"s 6 principles: politics is governed by objective laws. Interest is defined in terms of power: politics must vary with context, moral principles vary with circumstances, no one possesses absolute virtue, politics are superior to other interests. The state is supreme (sovereignty and self determination) The oxygen that sustains terrorism is media coverage. Terrorists say that they are at least morally equivalent to the states they wish to overturn or destabilize because both states and terrorists will use whatever means they can. First peaceful nuclear explosion test in 1974: india. Not part of the nonproliferation treaty: israel (but japan is) The use of one"s culture in aiding an individual"s ability to understand and deal with a complex world is most similar to theories.