CAS HI 266 Study Guide - Final Guide: French Republican Calendar, Carlsbad Decrees, Toussaint Louverture

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French revolution and napoleon: people, concepts and events to know. The directory: the directory was a body of five directors that held executive power in france following the convention and preceding the consulate. Gracchus babeuf: was a french political agitator and journalist of the revolutionary period. Jacobin friends to save him, babeuf was arrested, tried, and convicted for his role in the conspiracy of the equals. Although the words anarchistand communist did not exist in babeuf"s lifetime, they have all been used to describe his ideas, by later scholars. War of the first coalition (1792 1797) was the first major effort of multiple european monarchies to contain. France declared war on the habsburg monarchy of austria on 20 april 1792, and the kingdom of. Prussia joined the austrian side a few weeks later. The new french armies counter-attacked, repelled the invaders, and moved beyond.