CAS AH 295 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peter Henry Emerson, Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Henry Peach Robinson

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Niepce - view from his window at le gras. Early experimental photography on plates, very light sensitive. Daguerre - extended niepce"s research, created daguerreotype process, one of a kind image on copper plates, very detailed, did not patent process. John adams whipple, moon 1851 - people did different daguerreotypes of many different subjects. Portraits - southworth and hawes, boston based daguerreotype portrait photographers. Ambrotype - on glass with black backing to make positive, one of a kind. Tintype (1855-1860) - used iron plate, cheaper, more durable, able to be cut, usage in jewlery. William henry fox talbot (england) - invented calotype, negative to positive process, resulted in reproducible photographs. Photogenic drawing: 1835- used botanical specimens to demonstrate photogenic drawings. Published many of his photographs in his pencil of nature. Softer looking and less details than daguerreotypes. Held on to his patent, resulting in not as much usage.